Welcoming Rowan Vansleve, A Better LA’s new CEO

President Vicente Fox with Rowan Vansleve

President Vicente Fox with Rowan Vansleve

On May 1, 2013, we welcomed Rowan Vansleve as our Chief Executive Officer. Rowan has over a decade of experience working with local non-profits and charities, including Los Angeles' Dream center, various faith-based organizations, and most recently, Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission. His success in administering hunger relief and drug and alcohol recovery programs, developing youth mentorship and empowerment programs, and implementing market-based solutions to poverty and homelessness, have earned him the respect and praise of local, state, and international entities and leaders, including the City of Los Angeles, US Congress, and President of Mexico, Vicente Fox.

“I was drawn to A Better LA because they are about giving people the opportunity to help their own communities and be a part of the solution. My goal is to make A better LA for everyone and I am ecstatic about this opportunity to help.”

"Rowan is a proven leader with a record of success in managing charitable enterprises. His vast network of relationships, experience working in the inner city of Los Angeles, and most importantly, his love for all Angelenos and belief in their right to create a better future for themselves, make him the ideal leader for A Better LA. We are fortunate to have him as our new CEO, and we’re excited to see the organization grow under his direction," said Seattle Seahawk’s head coach and A Better LA founder, Pete Carroll. We join Coach Carroll in welcoming Rowan to A Better LA, and look forward to doing even more to create "A Better LA" under his leadership.