Packing Change
Help support A Better LA’s student volunteer Ella with her Backpack Project. Ella approached our CEO Rowan Vansleve with her dream of giving back to her community through educational inspiration. As a result, along with ABLA and our funded partner APUU, Ella has embarked upon her very own grassroots campaign to collect backpacks and supplies to donate to students and schools in need. Please read the personal letter from Ella below to find out more about how you can help her encourage kids to pursue their own educational goals:
My name is Ella and I am a 15 year old student in my senior year at New Community Jewish High School. Thanks to my parents, who struggled at a young age because they did not have access to the luxuries and opportunities that many more fortunate children had, I realize how important and how passionate I am about having a voice and helping my community.
This summer I am using my voice to contribute to at-need elementary students and teenagers in south Los Angeles. I have partnered with the non-profit organization, A Better LA. A Better LA, my committee of fellow students, and I are working together to organize a back to school event and community festival, Ella’s Backpack Project, to take place on August 24, 2013 in the community. Together, with your help, we will supply and donate 2,000 backpacks with school supplies to underprivileged children so they can prepare for the upcoming school year. Something as simple as a backpack can encourage youth in these communities to focus on school and stay away from gangs and negative influences.
Please help us with packing change by spreading the word and donating to this project in order to give these inner-city teenagers a path to success.
For more information, find us on Facebook or Twitter, and donate here to A Better LA.
Thank you for your support! We really appreciate anything that you can do!